Also called "Coca de 'iema'", it is a cake that has been made in this town for decades.
It is a cake that combines a sponge cake, a filling of sugar cream and a covering made of egg yolk and burnt sugar. To make the sponge cake, egg yolks are assembled with water, flour and assembled whites are added to it, and the dough is baked. Once baked, it is stuffed and covered with the mixture of yolk and sugar and burned with a reddish iron. This cake is usually consumed on holidays among the people of Santa Coloma or neighboring towns.
It is sold in bakeries and bakeries in Santa Coloma de Farners.
It is a very complete food, as it contains complex and simple carbohydrates, high quality fats and proteins. Within a balanced and varied diet, it can be consumed from time to time as part of breakfast or snack.