Mel Can Mallofré

We are a family farm dedicated to the beekeeping sector, with about 600 boxes of bees. We do transhumant beekeeping in Garraf, Penedès, Anoia, Sant Llorenç del Munt, Guilleries, Pyrenees, etc. and we only sell honey from our farm. We have different types of honey: rosemary, thyme, a thousand flowers, chestnut, holm oak, heather, mountain honey, etc. It is a small farm where we take care of a natural process, following the natural cycle of bees and without altering or modifying the honey and thus obtain a good quality. We are part of the Col·lectiu Artesà de Productes Naturals and the Associació Apicultors de Barcelona.

  • Xarxa de Productes de la Terra - Diputació de Barcelona
  • Other products

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  • Labels

  • Direct sale

  • Short circuit sales

  • Other points of sale

    • Fairs and markets
  • Fairs

    • Market of the Artisan Collective of Natural Products in Granollers
    • Market of Artisan Products of the Sagrada Familia on Gaudí Avenue in Barcelona


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